
Artist Medium


Rae Davis

Rae Davis grew up in Plainfield, New Jersey. She received a BA in English from Wellesley College, in 1949 and a MA in English from Columbia University in 1952. She moved to Boston, Massachusetts in 1953, where she was at first a typist for an insurance company, and a year later married John Davis ...

Jewell Goodwyn

Artist Jewell Goodwyn is a dedicated community leader with a solid track record of advocating for the non-profit arts sector. Goodwyn’s understanding of, and dedication to, the non-profit arts sector is rooted in her decades of work with grassroots arts organizations and her work as a practicing artist in visual arts, performance art, and photo-based and multi-media installation ...

Colette Urban

Colette Urban was born in Denver, Colorado in 1952, and grew up in Michigan and North Carolina. Becoming aware of her daughter’s strong artistic potential at a young age, her mother enrolled both Colette and her sister in art classes at the art museum in Charlotte, North Carolina ...