Lynda Cuddy was born in London, Ontario, and studied art at the highly touted H.B. Beal Secondary School from 1969-1972. During the 1980s, she studied communication design at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver, British Columbia. In the beginning, her prints and drawings contained type (rubber stamps were used as drawing tools, prints contained her poems or text etched deeply into the plate) showing the influences of London, Ontario artists like Margot Ariss and Greg Curnoe. While she set up her first studio at 19 King Street in downtown London, an opportunity to attend the winter school at the Banff School of Fine Arts took her out west to Alberta. After Banff, Lynda never resided in Ontario permanently – she had fallen in love with the mountains. She lived in London, England, Calgary, Alberta, and Nelson, British Columbia, before finally settling in Vancouver.
By 1982 she had joined the Malaspina Printmakers Society (MPS), then located on Granville Island in Vancouver. As a member of this print cooperative, and with access to their printmaking studio, she began creating prints once again. Later, she would become MPS’s printmaking technician. In the spring of 1984, she helped MPS secure the funding to investigate setting up a Canadian magazine (the Original Print Magazine) for artist/printmakers; she led the project which included designing a magazine prototype.
In her forties, she completed a BA in general studies, majoring in geography. She has held positions at both the University of British Columbia (1987-1992) and the Emily Carr University of Art and Design (2002-2008) as a print media technician.
Lynda Cuddy currently lives and works in Richmond, British Columbia.
Biography Courtesy of Lynda Cuddy
In more recent years, my work explores and mediates the urban landscape through print media
and photography. I am interested in the interface of photography and art. I see the world through
the lens of a geographer: the built environment, and land use. I notice the footprint. Sometimes, I
merely capture the absurd juxtapositions, other times I am moved to compose unnatural
landscapes with a film noir flavor. The intent is to illuminate, obliquely, disconnections that are
Artist’s Statement Courtesy of Lynda Cuddy
CV Courtesy of Lynda Cuddy
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