
Artist Medium


Caroline Farncomb

Caroline Farncomb was born in Newcastle, Ontario in 1859, and moved to London, Ontario with her family in 1867. Her art practice included work in still life, portraits, and landscapes. Farncomb’s art education began in London and included lessons with local artists Florence Carlyle and Cleménce Van Den Broeck, as well as studies at Hellmuth Ladies College, and the Western School of Art and Design ...

Carol Finkbeiner Thomas

Carol Finkbeiner Thomas is a full-time practicing artist currently residing in London, Ontario. Born in London but raised north of Toronto, she returned to London in the early 1990s after receiving her Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) at York University ...

Emily Mary Gunn Fried

Emily Mary Gunn was born in London, Ontario c.1862. Although she married John Fried (sometimes spelled Freed) in 1898, many sources refer to her by her unmarried name. Emily M. Gunn attended the Western School of Art and Design in London, Ontario. In 1889 she graduated from Hellmuth Ladies College, also in London, Ontario, with the gold medal in art ...