

Kim Neudorf

Born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Kim Neudorf attended the Alberta College of Art and Design from 2001-2005, achieving a BFA in painting. In 2012, she completed her MFA in Visual Arts at Western University. Neudorf’s paintings have been exhibited across Canada; most recently in Kingston at Modern-Fuel Artist-Run Centre, in London at DNA Gallery and Forest City Gallery, and in Toronto at Franz Kaka Gallery, Susan Hobbs Gallery, and Paul Petro Gallery ...

Shelley Niro

Born in Niagara Falls, New York, Shelley Niro moved with her family to the Six Nations Reserve near Brantford, a member of the Turtle Clan of the Kanien’kehaka (Mohawk) Nation. She is a multi-media artist whose work involves photography, painting, beadwork, and film ...